Friday, May 25, 2012

Tech Comm Friday (May 25)

Hello everyone! I'm Jessica Behles, and I just moved to Chicago and joined the chapter earlier this month. I'm super excited to be a member of the STC Chicago Blogging Team! I am always open to feedback, so please let me know how I can make your blog reading experience more awesome.

We're entering a three-day weekend here in the US, and many STC members will be using the time to wind down from the 2012 Summit. Several have already taken the time to post some thoughts, reflections, and/or reviews of their conference experiences. I bring you STC 2012: The Aftermath.

  • Random Notes from STC12 in Chicago - Val Swisher of Content Rules summarizes the good and not-so-good aspects of the conference. Verdict: mostly positive, despite the not-so-good bits.
  • There and back again – Notes from the STC Summit 2012 conference - Ellis Pratt of the Cherryleaf Technical Authors Blog posts from London his thoughts on the Summit. He summarizes the main themes and highlights of the event and provides an interesting discussion on the differences between conferences in Europe and the USA.
  • STC Summit 2012 wrapup – STC12 - Australian blogger Sarah Maddox, author of ffeathers, provides a multimedia summary of the conference with links to her session notes, photos taken while in Chicago, and a video of the Rough Drafts performance.
  • STC 2012 Summit Experience - Roger Renteria, author of WriteTechie, sums up and assesses his conference experience in the context of goals he set prior to the event. He has deemed it mostly successful.
  • STC Summit 2012 Pinterest - Although not strictly a blog, this Pinterest page set up by Tech Whirl offers a comprehensive photo retrospective of Summit 2012.


  1. Thanks for the recap. Though I was at the summit and monitored blogs closely, I hadn't known about the Pinterest site, so thanks for including this. I also find it helpful to get not just the link, but also a summary and verdict in a couple of lines.

  2. If anyone has additional pictures, please let us know and we'll add you to the Pinterest Board. Thanks for the great summary. We'll add it to our #tcbest list,

    take care and great conference! al


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